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Clive Keogh

The Effectiveness of Video in Digital Marketing Campaigns.

Digital Marketing has undeniably become a globally effective method in which to advertise, promote and sell within a 21st-century context.

This is partly because of the manner in which “People are embracing digital technologies to communicate in ways that would have been inconceivable just a few short years ago”.

One of these methods quickly gaining traction within digital marketing is the emergence of video technology. This technology builds upon the foundations of digital marketing and breaks through previous limitations.

The use of video can aid businesses in educating consumers about their brand as well as achieving a heightened level of trust which will inevitably bring them closer to closing a sale.

As such marketers that do not use video technologies are viewed as missing out on one of the most engaging, influential and potentially profitable forms of marketing of them all.

Proof of the substantial consumer upswing as a result of video usage can be seen in the following statistics which are worth mentioning at this time. The most pertinent of these is that 85% of customers are more likely to purchase after viewing a video and that videos on retail sites keep viewers an average of two mins longer. This is because how videos help the marketer to connect on an emotional level with the audience helping them to form a relationship which is built on understanding.

To maximise the effect of the video, many businesses use them at different intervals on their product websites, these are worth discussing to better understand how video is best implemented in digital marketing.

The first of these is the Top-of-Funnel Video. This is the immediate use of video to engage the consumer and efficiently convey what the product or service is about as well as to introduce the business and hopefully begin the process of audience consumption. The next video implemented to aid the consumer journey is the Middle-of-Funnel Video. This allows a business to continue to connect with its audience and recapture the interest of those straying from a decision to purchase. In many cases, this is most effectively used in video demonstrations of the product being sold such as with clothes being modelled or goods being shown in use. The final type is a Bottom-of-Funnel Video in which a business attempts to positively end the consumer experience and encourage future purchases, this is done through a final positive engagement with the audience. The video therefore can access and connect to humans in a way that images and texts alone cannot, this results in audiences remembering a product and caring about it while simultaneously feeling that their consumer needs are being met. As humans, our brains can process visuals 60,000x faster than text (Psychology Today, 2019) and as such the implementation of visuals can result in faster audience consumption as well as a greater level of brand awareness.

As digital marketing continues to grow a greater number of businesses are implementing video to achieve greater success in their marketing, as a result, it has been reported that 76% of marketers plan to use video to aid their campaigns for brand awareness with 96% of B2B companies planning to incorporate video in their marketing strategy over the next year. In this manner, video technology has truly become “the latest epidemic when it comes to marketing tools”.

As such the impact of video has become so widespread that its use of it within digital marketing campaigns has essentially become a necessity to avoid being left behind in a modern, ever-evolving technological landscape.

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